Alexandra T. Armstrong writes stories you want to read with characters you want to know.

They're fun. They're flawed. They're faithful.

author Alexandra T Armstrong


Alexandra T. Armstrong

Alexandra has been a women’s Bible studies leader for decades, a religion columnist for a small city newspaper, and the producer/teaching host of Christian Television Network’s Scriptureology.

She’s melded her passion for writing and teaching into crafting relatable characters living out theological and discipleship principles in contemporary fiction.

Alexandra lives with her husband, Gary, on a small hobby farm in Kentucky.

Redeeming the Time, Faircourt Friends Series, Book One / her debut novel

Counting the Cost, Faircourt Friends Series, Book Two

Steadfast Under Trial, Faircourt Friends Series, Book Three

Coming: February 2025!

Published by Parable Print, Alexandra's ...

  • debut novel (Redeeming the Time),
  • the second novel (Counting the Cost),
  • the third novel (Steadfast Under Trial), and
  • the fourth novel (Walking By Faith)

... are all part of the Faircourt Friends Series. The novels introduce seven interesting, complex, and compelling characters: Grant and Marie Renniger, Elodie Ford, Cal and June Sherman, and Marcus and Ava Van Zant. You'll love getting to know them and following their lives as they deal with life's situations. Situations that will ultimately transform each of them. By purpose.

Faircourt Friends Series


Grant and Marie Renniger lack purpose for their retirement and have buyers' remorse over a condo purchase.

Elodie Ford, without extended family, fears dying alone.

Childless couple, Cal and June Sherman, face increasing health challenges.

Marcus and Ava Van Zant are pushed out of a 35-year pastorate before they’re financially prepared.


Baby, I love it when you talk Reformation,” Marcus gave her a wink. He’d been reading the Martin Luther biography to her in bed each night to loosen her mind’s grip on her own troubles and sorrows before she slept.


Grant and Marie Renniger lack purpose for their retirement and have buyer’s remorse over a condo purchase. Elodie Ford, without extended family, fears dying alone. Childless couple, Cal and June Sherman, face increasing health challenges. And Marcus and Ava Van Zant are pushed out of a 35-year pastorate before they’re financially prepared.

Bound by a common faith in Christ, these lifelong friends solve their retirement dilemmas by pooling resources to purchase a large house in fictional Faircourt, KY, and resolving to live missionally among neighbors with deep hurts and secrets.

With liberal doses of humor, they bless each other and their community while teaching important lessons, including:

  • How to know God is at work in our pain
  • Prioritizing marital intimacy
  • The fruit of frailty and failure
  • How to love the enemies we hate

The first in a series, Faircourt Friends: Redeeming The Time, is the sweet story of friends becoming family and ordinary life transformed by purpose.